Individualised funding works best when you understand how to make it work to suit your needs. Let's take a look at the path towards self-directed funding.
Step 1: Have a needs assessment
A needs assesment may be done through your DHB or Ministry of Health NASC. Visit for services near you.
Be prepared to talk about ALL the support you need – perhaps provide them with what a typical day and week looks like and how you need to be supported.
If you need help with this process, please contact our Customer Relations Advisor Kaitakawaenga. 0508 462 427
Step 2: Individualised Funding (IF) Host
Following your assessment and funding allocation, ask for a referral to an IF Host.
It’s your choice – we’d love you to choose Manawanui.
Step 3: Onboarding
Your Manawanui coach carries out an easy set-up experience with you - on-line or over the phone.
Step 4: Create a support plan and budget
Our coaches can help you with both.
Step 5: Hire your staff and purchase items
We can help with staffing, payroll, and what it means to be an employer.
Plus, our easy to use portal allows you to keep track of your spending.